contact@metairie-du-vauhariot.comPostal address
66 rue des Français Libres 35260 Cancale
Check in
From 5 pm to 7 pmCheck Out
Before 11 amReception is open
From 5 pm to 7 pm
Access map
Our services
Heated swimming pool
Plug-In Electric Cars
Each parking space is equipped with a reinforced electrical outlet to charge a vehicle during the night.
A flat rate of € 15/ 24H is charged
Bike shelter
Our guests can put their bikes under a covered shelter in our garden.
We put at the disposal of our guests a repair kit of their bike and maps of bike circuits around.
Children’s play area
Climbing wall, swing, slide delight children in our garden
Wellness area
Our partner masseuses offer relaxing or tonic massages in a space with sea view.